Coding the Future!!!
Hi, I am Sagnik
An Aspiring Software Engineer

"I have a dream "
Together, let's code a world of possibilities and leave an indelible mark on the digital frontier. Join me on an exciting journey where creativity meets cutting-edge code, forging the path towards a brighter tomorrow.

About memy stats

Meet the Tech Enthusiast: A Brief Introduction to Me

I am an enthusiastic, hardworking, and ambitious individual seeking to apply my technological and leadership skills in a reputable organization. Currently in my final year of the B.Tech program in Electronics and Communication Engineering at the National Institute of Technology, Patna, I am eager to contribute to the success of a dynamic company.

I pride myself on effectively handling multiple tasks on a daily basis. I am actively seeking a job opportunity in the industry, where I can utilize my abilities to support the organization's operations, while gaining invaluable real-time industrial exposure. My goal is to continuously learn and enhance my skill-set both technically and ethically in any work environment.






hours of
Coding Practice



Digital Arsenal: A Glimpse into My Skill Set

C++ Programming Language


C Programming Language


Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA) with Standard Template Library [C++]












CSS Frameworks: Tailwind and Bootstrap




From Past to Present: Tracing My Timeline

May, 2023 - July, 2023

SDET Intern - Piramal Capital and Housing Finance Limited

My enriching experience as an SDET intern at Piramal Finance introduced me to the realms of work ethics and the professional environment. Alongside, I dived into the world of software development, collaborating on diverse UI projects that added a valuable touch to my journey.

2020 - present

Nurturing the Engineer Within - National Institute of Technology, Patna

Embarking on my B.Tech. journey, these years have been filled with a relentless pursuit of engineering excellence. I am enthusiastically honing my skills and knowledge to make a mark in the world of technology.

2018 - 2020

Advancing into Higher Education - DAV Model School, CFRI

During these critical years, I focused on my +2 study. I attained noteworthy academic achievement with effort and perseverance, obtaining 96% in the CBSE Examinations.

2007 - 2018

Formative Years - De Nobili School, CFRI

During this period, I pursued my academic education up to Class 10, achieving remarkable success in my studies and securing a percentage of 92.2% in the 10th board examinations.

My Portfoliomy work

Embark on a journey through the projects I've passionately worked on in this section. As I developed each one, I immersed myself in learning new skills, a testament to my unwavering passion for innovation. From web development to diverse tech challenges, each project represents a step forward in my quest to make a difference. Let's unite our expertise and create something truly extraordinary together! Feel free to explore and reach out with your exciting ideas and collaboration opportunities.


Project Source

Popcorn Portal

Popcorn Portal is a ReactJS project that serves as a movie and TV series browsing application. It provides users with a platform to explore trending, top-rated, and most viewed movies and TV shows. The homepage showcases these listings, giving users a quick glimpse into the hottest entertainment options.


Project Source

Social Spark

"Social Spark" is a MERN project that brings social media to life. With user registration, login, and seamless post creation via image uploads, it's a hub for sharing moments. Users can engage by liking, commenting, and forming connections through friend requests. Join us in building a dynamic online community where every click sparks a new connection.


Project Source

One Stop Haven

"One Stop Haven", where all your favorite products come together in one convenient place. This project is bu"ilt using Next.js, fetching backend data from the open-source API, FakeStoreAPI. With Tailwind CSS for design and fetch API calls for network requests, this is an e-commerce website offering a seamless shopping experience.


Project Source

Bite Buddy

BiteBuddy is an online food delivery system designed using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This project was initially built as a personal learning project to gain proficiency in basic web development technologies. BiteBuddy provides users with a convenient platform to order food from various restaurants.


Project Source

Photo Gallery App

This React-based photo gallery app showcases a dynamic and engaging way to display a collection of photos. Built with a focus on interactive user experience, the app allows you to seamlessly explore multiple images while offering a detailed view of each photo through an intuitive modal.


Project Source

Kanban App

A Kanban board app built using React, where you can manage tasks across different lists. Perform Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD) operations on the cards, and enjoy the flexibility of draggable components powered by React Draggable. Tasks can be easily organized by dragging them from one list to another.


Project Source

Text Utilities

This project was created as an introduction to ReactJS, utilizing Bootstrap components for various UI elements. The application features React routing and implements both light and dark modes for a better user experience. With this app, users can format their text in different ways, generate lorem ipsum, copy text, clear text, and even import text from external files.


Project Source

Tindog - Tinder for Dogs

Tindog was created as a fun project to learn and practice basic HTML and CSS concepts. It serves as a conceptual Tinder-like platform but for dogs. The website uses Bootstrap for responsive design and Font Awesome for icons. It also incorporates Google Fonts to enhance the typography.

My Blogsmy blogs

Demystifying Data Structures and Algorithms with STL: A Programmer's Guide to Effective Problem-Solving

From Novice to Ninja: My Enthralling Adventure with the Standard Template Library (STL), Data Structures, and Algorithms in Programming

Coding Chronicles: An Odyssey of Learning, Inspiration, and the Joy of Sharing as a Software Developer

A Dev's Journey into the Enchanting Realms of Code, Motivation, and Knowledge Exchange

Contact MeContact

Let's Connect! Reach Out and Say Hello

Hello there! I'm delighted that you've stopped by. For any inquiries or just to say hi, feel free to reach out using the form below. You can also find me on various social media platforms, so don't hesitate to follow or message me there. I look forward to engaging with you and exploring exciting opportunities together. Let's make something great happen!


Dhanbad, Jharkhand, India



NIT, Patna

Mobile Number:



English, Hindi, Bengali